In Frankivsk, activists clashed, a veteran of "Azov" was injured

Активисты в УФ потерпели поражение, пострадал ветеран
Активисты в УФ потерпели поражение, пострадал ветеран

In Ivano-Frankivsk, a fight occurred between public activists. The reason is allegedly a plot of land where some want to preserve a green area, while others want to create an allegedly rehabilitation center for soldiers. The video of the fight was spread on social networks.

It shows a person with a bloody head, a crowd, and several policemen trying to resolve the conflict.

Supporters of creating the center claimed that opponents of the construction attacked a soldier. They allegedly "lobby for the interests of some unscrupulous developer under the guise of creating 'veterans' parks' [...] to prevent the possibility of building a rehabilitation center, keeping the land near the lake for high-rises."

However, activist and veteran of "Azov" Serhiy Yanchuk, representing those who want to preserve the park, said that his comrade Andrian Volgin was beaten by a group of people. He explained that they together stand for not building anything "commercial and private" on the plot.

Yanchuk says that those lobbying for the center construction resort to "manipulation." All those who want to preserve the park were allegedly accused of working "for Russia and with Russian money." When they met with one of those who want to build the center, his comrade Andrian hit him.

After this, according to Yanchuk, a group of people ran up to the site and attacked Andrian. His head was smashed, and he was lying unconscious. After the fight, the injured was sent to the regional hospital, where he received stitches.

According to the soldier, the private investor ignores the opinion of local Ivano-Frankivsk residents who want to preserve the park, engaging "outsiders" - "possibly for some money."

The police of the Ivano-Frankivsk region stated that the fight occurred in one of the city's residential areas. Preliminary established that a 39-year-old man hit his 36-year-old opponent, after which a fight broke out, and both received injuries.

The policemen opened two cases under the article intentional light bodily injury (part 1 of article 125 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). An examination is also appointed to determine the severity of the bodily injuries of both victims. The investigation of the circumstances continues.

Recall, on Wednesday, September 11, in Ivano-Frankivsk, unknown individuals attacked a man in military uniform.

Also in Kyiv, on September 10, around 23:00, three unknown persons near the St. Michael's Cathedral attacked a church representative who is a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The police are currently establishing the circumstances of the incident. 

As known, the police detained the suspect in the beating of a soldier in Smila. Criminal proceedings were initiated against him under four articles. Also, concerning the veteran's beating in the city of Smila in the Cherkasy region, the police are conducting criminal investigations, in which the suspect was notified of suspicion in a procedural order. The man may face up to 12 years in prison.

The demobilized defender told on his social media pages about a traffic accident caused by a local criminal authority involving his parents. After this, the bandit beat the soldier and forced him to publicly admit guilt and apologize. The incident caused significant public outrage and attracted the attention of activists.

Later, the incident responded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police of Ukraine.

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