Штрафи та конфіскація майна: як покарають українців за неоновлення даних

Штрафи за неоновлення даних українців
Штрафи за неоновлення даних українців

In the text by "Hvylya", Ukrainians were told a step-by-step algorithm for collecting fines from conscripts who did not update their military records.

According to Irina Garbuz, a spokesperson for the Central Legal Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, as of July 16, conscripts were required to update their military records. Those who did not do so in a timely manner are at risk of being fined once. However, this does not apply to repeated violations of the law.

According to the representative of the General Staff, representatives of the Central Control Commission and the Prosecutor's Office are responsible for bringing offenders to administrative responsibility for failure to update their military records.

"The authorized person of the Central Control Commission and the Prosecutor's Office will draw up administrative protocols, collect case materials, and submit them for consideration to the head of the Central Control Commission and the Prosecutor's Office, who will make a decision on holding the person administratively liable," she said.

In particular, the Central Control Commission will first try to collect the fine from the conscript's bank account, if he has one.

If there are no funds in the account, the military commissariat may turn to the court with a claim for the collection of the fine from the property.

However, in the case where a person has no property from which the fine can be collected, they may not be held accountable.

Furthermore, the General Staff states that fines for failure to update military records will not be automatically imposed. As noted, the fine may be imposed within 3 months from the moment of detection of the offense by the Central Control Commission employees in the "Obereh" system, and up to 1 year from the date of its commission.

Citizens who disagree with the imposition of a fine have the right to appeal to the court to challenge the decision to hold them administratively liable.

"This must be done within 10 days from the date of the decision to hold them accountable. When considering the failure to update military records in court, a person cannot be held accountable again," clarified Garbuz.

Recall that the Ministry of Defense has summarized the results of the large-scale update of conscripts' data.

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