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On January 10, the temperature will slightly rise. At night, there will still be frost, and during the day on Wednesday, it is expected to be 0...-5℃, according to meteorologist Natalia Didenko.

"Last night was very cold, -20 and below in some northern areas. The coldest period will be on January 12, 13, and 14, but mostly without -20, except for the far north. And on the afternoon of January 14 and beyond, there will be a warming trend," she wrote.

The wind tomorrow will be from the northwest, gusty and uncomfortable. Precipitation is unlikely. There will be black ice on the roads.

In Kyiv, on January 10, there will be no significant precipitation. At night, it is forecasted to be -5...-7℃, and during the day 0...-2℃.

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Presentation of the prognosis for January 11

On January 11, there will be more precipitation, snow, and wet snow are expected. It will be quite warm, from -3℃ to +2℃ during the day.

"And on January 12, it will cool down again, but not too much, just normal for the season. On January 15, the temperature will rise. We have already experienced the strongest frost. Further temperature fluctuations are not a problem for us, hardened people. The main thing is to dress warmly, help those who suffer from the minuses, both people and animals, and closely monitor the new weather forecasts. Don't forget your hats and gloves," Didenko urged.

On January 9, there will be snow in several regions. Black ice is expected on the roads. The weather conditions may disrupt traffic, warned the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

The wind will be northeast, transitioning to northwest, with speeds up to 5-10 m/s. In some southern areas, there will be snowstorms, with wind gusts up to 15-20 m/s.