Небезпечні погодні явища: Гідрометцентр розповів про погоду у Київській області на початку тижня

Synoptics gave a weather forecast for the coming days. According to the meteorologists, the weather will be quite changeable.

Changes in temperature

The temperature will vary significantly throughout the week. On Monday, the weather will be warm, with temperatures reaching up to 25 degrees Celsius. However, on Tuesday, a cold front will come from the north, causing the temperature to drop to around 15 degrees Celsius.


There will also be a chance of rain throughout the week. On Wednesday and Thursday, we can expect light rain showers. However, on Friday, there might be thunderstorms with heavy rainfall.


Winds will be moderate throughout the week, with gusts reaching up to 30 kilometers per hour. The strongest winds are expected on Saturday, especially in coastal areas.

According to the head of the meteorological department, "It is important for people to stay updated with the weather forecast and be prepared for changing conditions."

In conclusion, it is advisable to dress in layers and carry an umbrella throughout the week, as the weather will be unpredictable. Stay informed and stay safe!